My husband wants to start planning our fireplace project

The people I was with and I have finally decided that it’s time to get a fireplace installed in our house and I’m genuinely cheerful about that.

However, my husband wants to start planning the project now however I don’t think if it’s the right time or not! After all, it’s almost Springtime and the weather is finally heating up just a little bit. It seems love it might be the wrong time to start talking about fireplaces at the moment. But maybe the people I was with and I will end up getting a fantastic deal on a fireplace or a fireplace insert because the people I was with and I are thinking of putting in the fireplace during the off season when the weather is heating up. I don’t think how all of that works, however I’m entirely willing to go to our local fireplace speciality store to see what they have to offer. Maybe they will have some fireplace inserts that are from last season that they want to get rid of and after that I could get a genuinely fantastic deal on 1 of them. I would also love to check out our local HVAC company to see what they might have in stock! Sometimes they have fireplaces there too. I’ve talked to our HVAC professional about fireplaces before whenever he was here to work on our gas furnace for us. He said that they have a fireplace specialist who works at the HVAC company. He is the best in the business, according to our HVAC professional. I’m sure he would be able to supply us some fantastic advice about fireplaces and maybe the people I was with and I will end up buying 1 from the HVAC company instead.

New HVAC equipment