Working out in the lake

In my local area, the summers are extremely hot as well as humid. For approximately several months of the year, the temperature soars into the nineties or even the triple digits every single afternoon. The air feels sticky, heavy as well as stifling. My workout area is not temperature controlled. Running several electric fans helps a little however not enough. I make an effort to get up as early as possible however the temperature hits ninety degrees by 7 o’clock in the afternoon. I rest directly in front of the fan as well as am drenched in sweat before I start my warm up. The boiling conditions make it very strenuous to get motivated as well as prefer a rewarding workout. I am very lucky that I have a lake located right behind my house. On especially hot afternoons, I swim for my workout. I can swim in the middle of the afternoon, no matter how hot it is. The water feels great. I often swim laps back as well as forth across the lake, decreasing up the style of strokes I do to target different muscle groups. Periodically I simply tread water. I also prefer to rest in the water as well as go through a variety of exercises. I do lunges, squats, jumps as well as kicks. I run, skip as well as jog with high-knees. The water creates resistance which not only slows down the motions however makes them more difficult. The water forces the muscles to work harder as well as yet there is no damaging impact on the joints. When I step out of the water, I’m constantly surprised by how tired I feel. I genuinely burn a tremendous amount of calories however I’m never sore afterward.

Wellness and fitness