The HVAC system at my job is seasoned plus consistently breaks down

So, I am looking forward to laboring in a comfortable office space

I just discovered that the supplier that I work for is being obtained by a greater supplier in the industry, however typically, these mergers are never great for the smaller supplier. In fact, many employees tend to lose their jobs when something like this happens. For now, I am not too upset about my position within the supplier, although I can’t confirm that my status will not change. It’s just something that I need to be prepared for if it were to happen, part of this merger is to transfer to a new office location, plus to be honest, I am looking forward to it. The building that my great friend and I currently occupy is really seasoned plus needs a lot of work. The roof is leaky, the foundation is unstable plus the HVAC equipment is seasoned plus consistently breaking down. That’s the one thing that I will not miss. There have been too many times where I walked into the office plus my great friend and I had no heating or cooling because the HVAC system broke down overnight or over the weekend. And during those days when the HVAC equipment was broken, my great friend and I sometimes had to sit inside the office that was either too overheated or too cold, because the building was so seasoned plus it would cost thousands to upgrade the HVAC unit, the owners decided against installing a new system. I don’t blame them because why install a new HVAC equipment in a building that’s falling apart. Anyway, the new office building is much nicer plus I am sure it has a better HVAC system. So, I am looking forward to laboring in a comfortable office space. I just hope that my job remains safe for now.
air conditioning filter