We all basically get to benefit from the new air cleaner

This is because it isn’t just about the odors.

The battle against the most terrible indoor air quality levels has certainly been one every one of us have fought for quite a few years. The odor has been a significant problem. Yet, this was prior to the pandemic & my learning of the overall importance of superb indoor air quality levels. The people I was with and I are in a region where the heat is, by far, the greatest mover when it comes to the weather. The HVAC equipment cooling comes on in May & doesn’t go off until at least mid September. And even then, there are certain times where it will cycle on & off some. Due to this amount of HVAC equipment cooling, it is necessary that our property is sealed up incredibly tight. Doing so gets the maximum efficiency from the HVAC equipment. And with the utility costs around this area, that is a must. The complication is that every one of us just doesn’t get that much fresh air in the property. So a few years ago, every one of us looked into having a whole home air cleaner installed in the HVAC. Well, every one of us just never pulled the trigger on that because every one of us were totally hesitant of the price tag. There were some other priorities that required that type of investment. But with the advent of the pandemic, every one of us decided to change our tune. The price for having superb indoor air quality levels is no longer a major problem. This is because it isn’t just about the odors. The whole home air cleaner is actually supplying us the best opportunity at helping our immune systems to strengthen. Sure, every one of us is ecstatic that our home odor is great. But it’s the quality indoor air that is honestly boosting our immune health that makes us thankful.

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