At first when I wanted to upgrade the oil gas furnace to an electric gas furnace, our partner wouldn’t allow myself and others to, and she said that we didn’t need to waste currency on an upgrade because the oil gas furnace was working fine… However, I had to tell her about the rising cost of oil, and this was a long time ago too when oil was much cheaper… But also, I told her that I planned on having solar panels installed so that would help to fuel the electricity to the gas furnace and everything in our home. She told myself and others that she didn’t realize that I was trying to install solar panels, even though I had told her about it before, but even though I mentioned it before, she said she didn’t realize that I was so drastic about it; of course I had to get this done because I was looking to save currency big time! This is a big section of why I had been researching multiple energy saving tips and I had been trying to save currency despite the fact that I could. I converted all the lights to LED, including the old fluorescent lights in the basement! With those you just have to bypass the ballast by rewiring the affixion directly to the bulbs, which is pretty easy so long as you are careful and turn off the power to the light fixtures before doing anything! The energy savings have been wonderful, but I’m absolutely not done. When I’m done, I want the electric company to be cutting myself and others checks for putting energy back onto the entire grid! So after hearing all that, our partner offered myself and others the okay and I had an HVAC professional install the new electric gas furnace.

I ended up being right about the furnace upgrade

oil heater