Our younger kid practically had a heat stroke

When our sons asked if they could go play some hoops outside, I told them they didn’t even have to ask to do that.

  • That’s why I bought the hoops hoop, so they can use it to improve their game in addition to get superb exercise officially.

Well, I didn’t realize how boiling it was outside in addition to I didn’t even adjust the temperature control settings. I really should have turned up the A/C program a little more so they could take some A/C breaks in addition to not remain boiling. The boys didn’t even come in to get water, they just played some intense 1 on 1 games. The next thing I knew, our eldest kid was practically dragging his brother into the house. Our younger kid collapsed on the floor when he got inside the beach house in addition to the door was shut. Both of us got him some water immediately in addition to I asked them why they didn’t come back inside for an A/C break. Our eldest kid just shrugged his shoulders enjoy he does stupidly from time to time, in addition to that is so infuriating. Of course, I had to assume about our younger son. Both of us finally got him to come too when the people I was with and I rested him under 1 of the A/C vents. The a/c seemed to revive him. When the people I was with and I asked if he was alright, he said he felt much better with the A/C in addition to the chilly water that he drank. He asked if he could go back out there to play some ball, however the people I was with and I told him he should rest for the remainder of the day in addition to he could go out the following day.


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