Local contractors provide the best customer service and value

I am a photographer and local blogger in my city, and I am absolutely in love with my job.

I help people learn more about what’s happening in the area every week so that people can see how diverse our city really is.

It’s also given me such a deep connection and appreciation for small businesses. I’ve made a great network of local contractors and small companies. I don’t know why anyone would opt for the experience of a large corporation when you can experience the comfort and trust of a local contractor that lives in your area and can easily understand your needs and concerns. Working with a local contractor typically ends up being a pleasant customer service experience because it is almost like working with your neighbor. Sometimes it is! You gain so much value because the contractors are much more willing to educate you so that you can learn and maintain their services on your own in between seeing them. I am constantly adding contractors to my network so that I can refer people to them. Since it’s summer, I’ve been doing lots of referrals for air conditioning contractors and technicians. Business has been booming for them, so I’m really happy that people are opting for the local contractor route. There are so many talented and caring businesses and people in this city, and people should take advantage of their knowledge and resources. It creates such a wonderful sense of community to keep things local and circulate services right where we live. I absolutely love what I do and how much I’ve learned.

oil furnace