Trying to rest my legs

My workouts are strenuous on my legs.

  • Most of the exercises involve my legs as well as are quite strenuous.

I appreciate jumping rope. I jump for a portion of nearly every workout. Periodically, jumping rope is all I do for the full sixty minute session. I have an app on my cellphone that provides guided jump rope workouts, as well as I acquire badges for consecutive workouts, calories burned as well as beating my personal best. Although I have invested into superb sneakers as well as a specialized rubber mat, all that jumping puts a unbelievable deal of strain on my legs muscles. When I take a afternoon off from jumping rope, I might go for a run or ride my bike, which still works the same leg muscles. I have developed a soreness in my calves that keeps myself and others awake at night. While the muscles ache a bit while the people I was with and I were in the afternoon, the pain gets much worse once I go to bed. I’ve tried taking Aleve, using heating pads as well as rubbing pain relieving cream into my calves. I am having no success. If anything, my issues are becoming more severe. I’ve been trying to rest my legs. However, I still want to workout everyday. I’ve found that it’s just about impossible to get a beneficial workout separate from involving my legs. I lift weights as well as go through all different styles of crunches. I do push-ups as well as plank holds. I am concentrating more on stretching, flexibility as well as strengthening core muscles. There isn’t a lot I can do, as well as I’m getting aggravated. I don’t want to sacrifice my level of strength or endurance.


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