Are air cleaners necessary?

It seems care about things have legitimately gone back to normal, then and I am cheerful that I can breathe a little easier now, even the government has listed most of their restrictions in an effort to return back to regular life. Of course, things will never be the same again because the people I was with and I have been chop deeply by the impact of the pandemic, however during the early afternoons of quarantine, I was worried about my mom because he went a bit overboard with the measures to keep herself safe. As an elderly person, I understood his troubles, however I can’t say that I agreed with everything he did, however for instance, he currently owns 4 air cleaners, as well as all were bought during as well as after quarantine… She believed that the air in his beach house wasn’t safe to breathe, so he bought the air cleaners to make sure that his air was clean, but i tried to explain to his that his HVAC plan improves the indoor air pollen levels, but he believed that he needed additional air purification since the air conditioning system does not remove viruses I am not completely against getting additional air cleaners, however I suppose my mom went overboard. Each component that he bought promised to remove more viruses as well as pollutants than the other. She has 1 component that uses ionization technology to remove viruses from the air, but the other three units use HEPA filters as well as claim to do the same thing. I don’t want to believe that these units are a waste of money, however I am leaning more towards that. I just suppose that our HVAC systems are doing a enjoyable job in keeping our indoor air pollen levels at an optimum level.

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