Needed a fan, got a heater too

I have to say, I’m a terrible sleeper.

I have high maintenance needs because of my restless nature at night, and they’re a real pain in the butt.

I hate sleeping at other people’s homes for this reason. I feel like the conditions I need to fall asleep are way too much to ask for from anyone. At the same time, I have a hard time providing myself with all the comforts that I need. For instance, when I recently moved into a new place I realized I had made a grave indoor air quality mistake – I hadn’t brought a fan. This meant, there was no way I would be sleeping soundly at night, without a ventilation device to move the indoor air around while moderating my temperature. Thank god, I didn’t need an AC unit to assist with the temperature control because it was getting cold at night. But still, without a fan, there was no way I would ever successfully slumber. I broke down on the first night and ran to the local store for a box fan. When I arrived, I found that I was too late – they had packed up all the ventilation devices and air conditioners for the season. All I could find was a small portable heater that had a fan setting on it. At first, I wasn’t thrilled with this ventilation device, but over time I’ve fallen in love with it. Now, I have a fan for helping me sleep at night and extra heat for warming my toes during the chilly days.

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