HVAC unit suddenly died

Me and my friends were seeing the baseball game on cable last weekend. All of us are crazy baseball fans and we really enjoy the activity itself, and because this is something we all do on a semi regular basis since tickets to go in and watch the game in person are pretty difficult to come by these days! But anyway, while both of us were enjoying the game the central heating and cooling system went out! The weather was 90 degrees and still climbing outside, so it is not like both of us could have sat there without a cooling system! I called the emergency hotline for our local heating and cooling corporation to send out an heating and a/c repairman right away to repair our cooling system. They arrived pretty fast too! Within less than a half an hour the heating and cooling specialist was at our door ready to repair our cooling system! When he walked in he noticed both of us had been watching the game. He too was a huge baseball fan and said that he tried to get season tickets however they were all sold out. Following our brief discussion of cool baseball games, the heating and cooling specialist went right to our central heating and a/c unit and figured out what had gone wrong with the cooling system. Within about four hours he had the situation under control and the cooling system was fully working once again. I shook his hand and thanked him for doing such an excellent job in fixing the central heating and cooling unit. He then left and said he was heading to his apartment to watch the rest of the baseball game.

HVAC technician