Geothermal heating and cooling

Over the course of the last 5 years, I have made it my mission to reduce my carbon footprint.

  • I have tried to carry on a sustainable life.

It started with a strict meal plan that would eliminate food waste, then it moved to planting my own vegetable garden. Within a year, my husband and I had two chickens. We started shopping exclusively from locally sourced markets. Then we moved on to energy. We switched to solar powered electric and bought an electric car. At some point, our air conditioning stopped working. It had been in our home for far longer than the time that we had lived there. When it came time to upgrade our heating and cooling, it seemed like the perfect time to switch to geothermal energy. Geothermal heating and cooling uses the earth’s core temperature to heat and cool the home. Despite the changing seasonal weather, the earth’s core maintains a stable temperature. Geothermal heating and cooling goes into the ground and uses the earth’s temperature to heat or cool the home depending on the season. This is a more sustainable option that is better for the planet and uses less energy. Even though I knew it was the right thing to do to make the environmentally conscious decision, I worried that it wouldn’t be as effective when it came to heating and cooling the house. However, after having geothermal heating and cooling for several years, it is actually really effective! I have recommended it to all my friends and family. One of my friends actually made the switch recently! I am glad we can help others make a more sustainable living choice.

Heating system