My dad’s favorite book is a book about HVAC problems and how to solve them

My dad’s favorite book is a book about HVAC problems and how to solve them.

I have a very hard working dad, and I am very thankful for him.

I love him so much. I am so thankful that I was blessed with a dad that loves me and is willing to work hard to provide for my mom as well as us kids even if we are all out of his house. My dad has done HVAC work for many years now. He taught himself everything that he knows. He loves HVAC work. We joke with him because he loves reading as well, but his favorite book is about HVAC work. My mom bought the book for him last Christmas as sort of a joke, but it has literally become my dad’s favorite book. I see him reading almost every time that I am over at their house. It makes me laugh out loud everytime I think about it. It was a gag gift, but he ended up loving it. I guess he really loves his work that much. He said that the HVAC book has helped him solve so many HVAC problems for people that he wishes he would have had the book years and years ago. He told me that he references the book almost daily when doing HVAC repairs. I am so glad that he likes that book so much, but it is pretty funny if I do say so myself. My mom did a great job on her gag gift even if she didn’t intend it to be my dad’s favorite book, it is, and it truly has been a tremendous help to him and his little HVAC business.


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