Getting my home wired for HVAC

My wife is a bit of a tech nerd. I love her anyway. Seriously though, this woman loves to get into the latest tech trends. Her brother told me she was always this way. From the time they were kids, she was always looking for the next video game upgrade. The car she drives should give you a great idea of what I mean. It’s decked out with every conceivable piece of electronic gizmos. From the zone controlled heating & cooling to the voice activated navigation system. She has it all. This has also spilled over to our home. We have so many things in the house that are supposed to be helping us. For me, it gets to be way over the top. Her latest thing is having the HVAC wired. What I mean by that is we now have a smart thermostat. The HVAC is completely managed by the new smart thermostat. However, the house is also wired throughout with sensors to detect the smallest temperature change. They in turn let the smart thermostat know when it is time to lower the solar shades. It’s really quite remarkable. When my wife proposed this HVAC change, I was sort of against it. I just wasn’t wild about finding more room for more tech stuff in this house. The situation is sort of out of control for me. But, after I saw what a great job the smart thermostat did of managing the HVAC system, I was in. Then I saw the utility bill. We saved nearly 20 percent the very first month we had this system in our house. I put the bill down and went over to plant one on my brilliant wife.


