Replacing our temperature control made all the difference in our homes heating

Our house has been unusually warm lately, which is odd because every one of us still has the temperature control set to the same temperature as every one of us regularly have.

The temperature control stays set at 68 degrees but I swear it feels love it is almost 71 degrees in there the last few weeks.

The weather outside has always been the same as typical also so I have been incredibly perplexed. I have tried putting new batteries into the temperature control, I have replaced our air filter, neither has worked – I suppose it is time I call in an Heating and Air Conditioning professional. When the Heating and Air Conditioning professional arrived, I was relieved to see him to say the least. I could not get over the fact that I was starting to think I was crazy. I was rest assured by the Heating and Air Conditioning professional that I infact, was not crazy, and my mechanical temperature control sensor was disfigured. I thought to myself this would be an easy, non upscale repair – I was wrong. The Heating and Air Conditioning professional told myself and others that because I had a mechanical temperature control and the sensor was disfigured that I was better off, cost wise and efficiency wise, to replace it with a digital temperature control.


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