They can’t reach my house

I want so much to get my groceries to my house.

  • I see my friends who live across the street, getting food delivery on a day to day basis.

I thought it was because they used a different grocery shop than I used. I asked Moe which grocery store he used. When he told me what one to use, I was shocked to hear that it was the same grocery center that I used. I wasn’t allowed food delivery service because of my location. My buddy who was less than 40 yards from my house, was able to get food delivery service. They told me that my part was out of their delivery area. My friend invited me to her home for a cup of pepsi & both of us were talking about how different this was. She asked me if I wanted to get my food deliveries dropped off at her house. I didn’t mind taking a bag over to her home & grabbing up her groceries so I thanked her, said yes, & I loved her offer. The next afternoon both of us put in the order for the delivery service of my groceries. They must have had some kind of name recognition in their program. When both of us typed in my name, the delivery information automatically filled in with my address. The only way both of us could have my grocery delivery sent to her house, was if we used her home & a different credit card of mine. The food delivery driver was shocked when Margie stood outside the home when she arrived. She asked me to give them across the street because she was going away for a couple afternoons.

dinner delivery services