The best HVAC I’ve used in my life

For the longest time, I was always sick of having issues with HVAC systems.

It seemed no matter where I went to live, there was something that came up.

I’ve had some okay landlords and some that were not so great. The okay landlords never hassled me when I complained about the HVAC system. They would simply come out to have a look or have an HVAC professional come to my door. The trouble was that the HVAC system would be so old that it would have issues later down the road that would have to be repaired again. Then there were the landlords who didn’t want to do anything. They might send a handyman to perform a temporary fix, but that was all. Then inevitably there would be more and more issues with the HVAC system. They didn’t care as much about the cooling system because it wasn’t in the written agreement that they had to cover those repairs. The heating system they had to make sure worked though because that’s essential for survival. Well, when I finally bought my own place, I knew that I wanted a new HVAC system for a change, one that would not give me any issues. That’s why I didn’t mind the house I ended up buying that had a very old HVAC system. I was going to replace it anyway and I was able to get a great deal on the house. I ended up getting a ductless mini split installed and it’s honestly the best HVAC I’ve ever used in my life.



Digital thermostat