Moisture can be dangerous for germs and bacteria

My wife and I usually go to the summer house in the beginning of June.

We try to leave for Memorial Day weekend, so we can get the summer house ready for the warm weather and humidity.

This year, my wife and I did not end up going to the summer house for the first time until the middle of July. By then, there was so much moisture inside of the house that there was mold and mildew on many of the interior surfaces. I was afraid to clean the mold and mildew because I didn’t want to get sick. My wife and I decided to call a house cleaning company. It cost $350 for them to clean all of the surfaces in the house with bleach and mildew and mold remover, but my wife and I did not have to endure the harmful and poisonous odors. It took the cleaning ladies nearly all day to clean and sanitize all of the surfaces inside of our house. After the cleaning ladies were finished, my wife and I did not want the same problem to happen again. Moisture can be dangerous for germs and bacteria because it is a very good place for them to live. I consulted with a friend that works for a local HVAC company. He suggested buying a small dehumidifier with a gauge that automatically turns on the machine if it reaches a dangerous level. I thought it was a great idea and I agreed to start looking for something. I actually found several different air cleansing and dehumidifying machines that met the profile.

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