I saved up a lot of money because I thought our HVAC system would fail

I really panicked when our HVAC professional let us know that our HVAC system was coming near its end and we would have to upgrade soon.

Well, that was approximately 4 years ago. Since that time, we have started using a different HVAC company and their professionals have told us that our HVAC system is fine and will run well for another few years at least. I can’t believe how that HVAC professional caused me to panic when I didn’t need to. The good news is that I started saving up money for a new HVAC system. Even though our HVAC system is running alright, I realize that newer HVAC systems are more energy efficient. I think that we’re just going to make a few upgrades in order to lower our energy bills a great deal. I actually want to have radiant heated floors installed. We will have a boiler system installed and then attach the piping to the boiler system. They say this heating system is one of the most energy efficient and most comfortable. I can’t wait to have something like that, and it will have to be done before the winter season arrives. Also, I want to have a ductless mini split installed in the house. I love that these systems have both heating and cooling. I will have good A/C in the summer with lower energy bills and extra heating in the cold season. These systems can heat your home down to negative 5 degrees fahrenheit which is incredible in my opinion. We will be so comfortable with such low utility bills when we go for these upgrades.



air duct