We go for walks all the time around my property

It’s pretty amazing that we have a big property now and there’s plenty of space to go for a long walk.

Our property also connects to a park that has numerous hiking trails, so I love to go walking down some of those paths.

I always take my dog with me and it’s fine as long as I never forget to pick up after his poops. That’s something that should be common sense anyway. Sometimes I’ll be out there on really overheated days. I actually have a cooling hat though for these occasions. For my dog, I always keep some extra water so I can sprinkle some on him to help him keep cool as well and I will resoak my cooling hat as needed. I actually considered getting a cooling hat for my dog, but he would just knock the hat off. Even if you tie the hat on with a rope, he still wouldn’t want to wear the thing. He seems perfectly content with drinking cold water and getting a few sprinkles on him for a cooling effect. There have been days though when it was just too hot for us though. On those days, we wouldn’t go very far from our home, we would keep it in the area so we could get back to the house and enjoy the air conditioning inside. My preferred times to go walking with my dog are the spring and fall months. The temperatures are always perfect and it’s always the best time to get fresh air into the house. I love our outdoor air quality and I always am looking to improve the air quality in my home.
Air conditioning filter