I was drinking some juice the other day and made myself and others guess of our Grandma

While I couldn’t spend time with our Grandma again, I realized there was something I could do

I recall back in the day when I would spend lots of time with our Grandma, she would always offer myself and others some orange juice. Granny had the best orange juice because she literally squeezed it fresh with a little tool for juicing oranges. It entirely would have been nice if she had an electric juicer or something such as that, but she number one doing things the outdated way anyway. For instance, Granny had a dial control machine plus refused to ever upgrade to anything nicer such as a programmable control unit. It didn’t matter how often people tried telling Granny that she could save a lot on her utility bills, she said it wasn’t broken plus she isn’t going to upgrade it. I truly guess it had some loving value to her because her hubby is the 1 single person who installed the control machine a long time ago. Anyway, I was just thinking about these memories of spending time drinking orange juice with Granny when I was drinking orange juice for dinner not so long ago. It dawned on myself and others how often I miss our Granny plus that orange juice was pretty nasty compared to the freshly squeezed orange juice. While I couldn’t spend time with our Grandma again, I realized there was something I could do. I ended up buying a new juicer plus now I juice the oranges so I get that appealing tasting orange juice again! My wife plus I care deeply about it plus she says that I should have done this a long time ago. Nothing is better that good freshly juiced OJ with the perfect temperature control settings at home.
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