A few people made large donations to fix the air conditioner in our community’s church

Even though I live in a fairly affluent area, my church community is made up of people from all walks of life. It’s reassuring to see people from multiple races and socioeconomic demographics coming together to share their love for the lord. Whenever a member is going through adversity in their life, we all band together to help them out of their troubles in whatever way we possibly can. When this woman named Cindy was widowed following her husband’s workplace accident, she didn’t know where she and her three children would sleep if she couldn’t keep paying the rent on their apartment. Not only did church members pool money together to momentarily cover her existing rent, but another church member gave the family a permanent house to rent at a half-off discount. She was only charged $400 a month for rent outside of the money for basic utilities like electricity, water, and cable/internet. Naturally, when the church needed a new air conditioning system, a handful of large donations came in from some of the wealthiest people in the community and the work was done within days of the HVAC failing. We’re all affected by poor air conditioning inside the church, especially if the machine isn’t working at all. I wonder what people do in communities where there isn’t a mix of people from all socio-demographics. How can you expect to collect enough money for air conditioner repairs if every member of the church is struggling financially? For the sake of our sanity with quality indoor air control, I’m happy that I’m not exposed to that kind of situation.


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