Glad to get the air purification we’ve needed in this house

I can be a bit resistant to stuff that I deem just too expensive.

I’m that way about cars, household items, appliances and the list goes on.

If it seems to be too much and I can’t find a more inexpensive alternative, I’ll just do without. And that was the initial approach I took to air purification. My wife was absolutely correct when she said we simply had to do something about the indoor air quality of our home. Frankly, the place just real stunk. There’s really no other way to put it. We had used every sort of spray, plug in and scented candle we could find to no avail. Once the HVAC equipment kicked on, the odors would then just recycle through the house once again. It was so frustrating. Finally we talked to the HVAC company and they told us we needed to get the air purification to actually solve the problem. We had to get rid of the airborne bacteria that was the source of the odors. But when I saw the price of the whole home air purification, I really pumped the brakes. It was a lot of money and I just wasn’t so sure that it was worth it. Well, the pandemic changed all that. When I learned how essential good indoor air quality was for our health, I was all in with the whole home air purification system. And my only regret is that I initially pumped the brakes on air purification. This thing is amazing and our air is the healthiest and the most clean air I’ve ever experienced inside a home.
