Bad luck really does always come in threes

Bad luck really does always come in threes.

  • My mom used to say that this was a fact, but I never used to believe her.

I think that she’s just superstitious. Or at least that’s what I always used to think! When I was a kid, she would always say that and I thought that it was the dumbest thing that I had ever heard of. I didn’t know that anything ever happened in threes except for the three bears or the three little pigs. That’s what I always used to tell her, but these days I’m starting to think that maybe she was right after all. That’s because during the past few weeks, three different things have gone really wrong for me. First of all, I had some trouble with the heating and cooling system in the van that I drive. The heating system tore up and I was seriously freezing all week whenever I was in the car driving around town. I had to pay to get that fixed, and the heating system cost quite a lot to get it back into good working order again. After that, I had some issues with my refrigerator and I had to call an appliance repairman to have them come to the house and fix it. That cost me quite a lot, too! But then, last but not least, I ended up with the bad luck of having my furnace tear up on me too! I couldn’t believe it when I turned the thermostat up and nothing happened except a terrible clunking sound and the smell of burned rubber. That’s when I realized that my furnace tearing up was probably the third thing in my series of unfortunate events!

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