Don’t forget to protect the a/c in the winter

Prior to getting the central a/c last summer, the last thing on my Wintertide prep list was the gas oil furnace.

So having a/c in our home is all new to me. Wait, that’s not exactly accurate. To be more precise, having central a/c is all new to me. Prior to this past summer, I had never had central a/c in this house. When it got stuffy hot for a few weeks in the summer, I simply put in a window a/c upstairs as well as downstairs. That was the extent of our Heating as well as A/C cooling. And for me, it was fine. Not ideal entirely however fine. The main Heating as well as A/C focus for myself and others is the winter. Our winters are not to be taken lightly. Otherwise, you could end up in some real trouble. Where the people I was with and I live, there are times when an Heating as well as A/C professional wouldn’t be able to get to our home to do Heating as well as A/C service or repair. So I have always had a wood stove for emergency heating. Actually, the way the prices for heating with my gas oil furnace have sky rocketed, I’m using the wood stove more often. It’s become more of a supplemental heat source rather than an emergency one. That means more Wintertide prep for myself and others to get plenty of wood cut, split as well as stacked. Prior to getting the central a/c last summer, the last thing on my Wintertide prep list was the gas oil furnace. I was ready for Wintertide once the Heating as well as A/C professional did the Heating as well as A/C heating service. But this year, I had to add one more job as well as that was protecting the a/c. I now have to place a hard plastic cover over the Heating as well as A/C lodgeet outside the home to protect it from the Wintertide elements.

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