Nobody should worry about their salary when they work 40 hours each week

It’s taxing to work 40 hours each week plus wonder if I am going to get paid at the end of the week! That’s what it has been love for me during the last more than one weeks.

  • The coronavirus plus the pandemic hit almost everyone hard, but my boss doesn’t have a lot of money to pay all of the bills plus she said that she is doing her best to keep the company floating, however i worked 40 hours each week on repairs to heat pumps, gas furnaces, plus air conditioning systems, then last week our boss wrote almost everyone a check plus the check bounced.

I put the check in the bank plus then the two of us paid all of our bills with checks. I had to pay a fee to the bank for each one of the checks that did not go through. I confronted our boss plus she claimed that it must have been an accounting error. I told our boss that I needed him to help me pay the bank fees which totaled $271. My boss refused to pay the fees plus requested me to have more money in our savings account for emergencies love this, and after that conversation, I decided to call our uncle Don! She has been trying to get me to transfer to the West Coast. She even offered to find me a job if I wanted to move. I hate to leave our Dad plus dad in the midwest, even though I can’t work 40 hours plus wonder if I am going to get paid while the boss is still living fat plus cheerful.

