Working at home is nice

I feel so lucky to be able to work from home for a living! A lot of all the people I guess is stuck having to go into a dreary office every single weekday of their life and I guess how horrible that is.

I did it for a long time myself; But this week I work from home handling billing and shopper maintenance for 1 of our local heating and air conditioner companies.

I was shocked they hired me when they did because I knew nothing about the heating and air conditioner business, or for that fact I guess nothing about heating and air conditioner at all other than how to turn on the thermostat, set the thermostat and then turn off the thermostat. But doing the shopper maintenance and billing does not require such skill as knowing how to repair and install central heating and A/C systems. That is the heat and air conditioning system specialist’s job that works at the local heat and air conditioning system company that I do all the shopper maintenance and billing for, pretty much my afternoon consists of taking almost back to back PC calls appreciate a telemarketing maintenance handling complaints and setting heat and air conditioning system appointments. The other parts of the afternoon are spent getting the bills drawn up to send to the clients through SMS. The job is a lot harder than it sounds think me. But I love working from the comfort of my own home. No 1 to bother me, no work peers and most of all no micromanaging! The only time I need to deal with any boss or something is if I have a question or issue.


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