The leak caused mold growth in the house

Water has been leaking in the laundry room for a little while.

I told the landlord that we had a small leak plus she ignored my request for a repair.

I think she didn’t actually realize it was crucial, now there is mold growing in the laundry room plus my children are having a reaction. I knew the humidity was going to cause mold troubles. It is the whole reason why I wanted the repair staff to look at the leak 2 weeks ago. I took my child to the doctor on Tuesday, because she had an absolutely raspy cough. The doctor took one look at her throat plus asked if we had mold in my household. I thought about the leak in the laundry room, and as soon as I got home, I contacted the repair staff. I told them precisely what my doctor said plus requested it was due to the mold troubles in my household. The repair staff supervisor called after I left the voicemail. I absolutely got their attention this time. Today I had two construction crews in my household working in the laundry room, but one of them is working on removing the mold plus the other lady is working on the leak complication. By the end of the day the concern was finally handled appropriately. It’s a shame that the only time they were upset is when they thought I might sue them because of a mold complication. I absolutely wish I could afford to buy a household of my own. Even in this area, it’s totally unaffordable for a single mom.

heating maintenance