My HVAC company is advertising a special

I will probably have to work a lot over the next few weeks in order to get all of these air conditioning tune ups done

My HVAC company is advertising a special for this month. Apparently they do this every year when the weather starts heating up. I have not been here for an entire year yet, so I don’t really know how they handle things. I just recently finished up with my HVAC certification, so I am new on the job. Basically, I am the lowest man here at the HVAC business where I work. That means I get stuck with all of the crappier jobs that no one else wants to do. That’s fine with me, though. I know that that is just how things go whenever you start at a new job. I am totally fine with it because I really enjoy doing all of the things that come along with being a heating and cooling technician. However, I was really surprised when they said that they were going to be offering a special on air conditioning tune ups this month because we are already so busy around here! To me, it seems like they should be hiring some extra help instead of trying to get more business. but, like I said, I don’t really know all that much about this business yet. I haven’t been here long enough to have an opinion about things like that. I am just happy that I have a job that I actually like. I will probably have to work a lot over the next few weeks in order to get all of these air conditioning tune ups done. I’m okay with that, though! I will get paid overtime and that’s always nice.

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