Broken ankle, need smart thermostat

Considering I can’t even hobble to the bathroom without immense pain, the last thing I want to do is have to travel back and forth between the temperature control unit and my bed all day! Thankfully, this is where my smart thermostat comes into play

I have a serious problem. It’s not anything I can really fix, so much as something I’m stuck with every single day. I have two really bad ankles. It seems like every week or two I manage to twist at least one of them. It’s gotten to the point that I take one awkward step, and my ankle rolls me straight onto the ground. Usually I have to take a few moments to compose myself, and then I simply limp my way several miles back to the car and forget about it, but recently I did some real damage. My ankle is enormously swollen and bruised, and I can’t really get around too well. I’m on bedrest right now, which is so uncomfortable. The only saving grace is my wonderful smart thermostat. See, right now our weather is so tumultuous that you can never predict if it will be hot or cold on any given day. That’s why our thermostat is constantly being adjusted between the central heating and cooling system on a daily basis. This would normally be no big deal, well, except for the energy bills and abuse to our whole HVAC system. Considering I can’t even hobble to the bathroom without immense pain, the last thing I want to do is have to travel back and forth between the temperature control unit and my bed all day! Thankfully, this is where my smart thermostat comes into play. I can simply open up my phone and access the modern app, and from there I’m capable to adjust the whole heating and cooling plan without moving a foot. Considering I’m only 28, I wonder what fancy HVAC equipment I’ll need to survive by 50.


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