My brother is such a weird guy.
He has been his whole life.
You know, when we were kids he was always getting into strange hobbies. I guess that this latest chapter in his life really isn’t all that different, at the root of it. For the past 3 years my brother has been travelling Ukraine. I know, why? We all wonder that. If you ask me, it’s about the supermodel women who walk the streets of every city. If you ask him, it’s about the cheap cost of living and his love for drinking cheap 2 liters of beer. That’s the thing about Ukraine; it’s not nice, but it’s affordable. This rings true for every aspect of life there. The schools are cheap, but they don’t have plumbing. The food is cheap, but it isn’t necessarily good for you. The housing is cheap, but it doesn’t necessarily come with AC or other modern amenities. In fact, my brother just got his own AC one week ago! He’s lived in the same apartment for about two years, but the unit never came with any sort of cooling system. He said it was okay getting through the difficult winter, because the heating system worked A-okay. However, as soon as the air would start heating up each spring, his apartment would start boiling. The sun beat straight in on one side of the place, and all the brick captured the heat very effectively. As a result, his place was sweltering every afternoon. As a result, or maybe it’s unrelated, he would spend all his evenings on the town drinking with pretty women. I guess it’s not such a bad thing to lack AC in those circumstances.
heating and cooling equipment