My little sibling gets absolutely scared when both of us disinfect the air ducts

He absolutely liked the game plus now he even volunteers to go first whenever both of us have to disinfect the air ducts.

My little sibling plus I are easily close plus do everything together, then when our mom died last year, I could tell that he was absolutely close plus needed support plus guidance. I sort of took him under my wing, plus now both of us are pretty much inseparable… Our Mom has us do house chores together as a family, savor cleaning the air ducts. I personally dislike having to disinfect the air ducts because it absolutely messes with my allergies, then my little sibling hates the air ducts because he thinks they are startling plus riddled with spiders plus ghosts. I guess the echo sounds in the ducts make him recognize savor ghosts are screaming his name. I decided to turn the chore into a game that would help him have a more positive association with the air ducts, or air conditioning as a whole. He absolutely liked the game plus now he even volunteers to go first whenever both of us have to disinfect the air ducts. I’m not sure why my Mom has us do it instead of calling an air conditioning business for it. It doesn’t seem savor the safest plan to basically have children crawling into air ducts in the house, but maybe he just absolutely wants us to learn more hands-on skills. I don’t typically understand why my Mom does what he does, even though I guess that he absolutely likes us plus wants us to recognize savor a whole family now that my mom is gone. The memory of his will live forever, even though I easily miss his every day.


air conditioner tune-up