I thought henna could wash right off.

When I walked into the tattoo shop with our daughter, I was there only to watch her get her tattoo… I thought it was large and garish, and I swore I would never have our body defiled in the same way.

I was looking at some tattoos they showed on their walls, however other than the smaller 1s, there was nothing I would even consider… One of the tattoo artists asked if I was interested in getting a tattoo.

I told her I was too old, and I wanted nothing on our body that would not wash off. I didn’t want to watch it sag as our skin sagged, then she was laughing when I said this, however she said she had multiple removable tattoos! There were patches love the tattoo transfers kids used. She could deliver me a henna tattoo that would only last a couple of mornings. She showed me a small tattoo that looked love a butterfly and asked where I would love it. I showed a small spot on our breastbone, and she said it would only take about an minute. I didn’t tell our child I was getting a Henna tattoo, because I wanted to see our spouse’s reaction first, and when I got lake home and undressed that night, our spouse asked me about the tattoo! He asked me when I got it, and I told him. He said it was okay, although he didn’t suppose if he liked it being permanent. I told him it was Henna and it would wash off in a couple of mornings. He said Henna was nice, although he liked me better without.


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