I’m so glad my husband decided to have a ductless mini split installed

I couldn’t tell you how pleased I was when my husband decided to have a ductless mini split in our house.

I honestly had no idea he was going to have that done, I don’t think he even knew because I’m sure he didn’t plan on hooking up a new HVAC system. We actually have a boiler system that we use to heat our home in the winter and just a bunch of window A/C units for the summer season. The thing is, those window A/C units are not energy efficient at all and I was never a huge fan of using them. Of course, it was the only way to keep cool in our home. Eventually my husband spoke to the HVAC company and wanted to know if they had more efficient window A/C units. They said they had something way better than that and that’s when he learned about the ductless mini split with multiple zones. It was explained to him that the HVAC units were something like window A/C units except they wouldn’t be placed in the actual windows and they provided both heating and cooling. The major selling point was that they are extremely energy efficient and my husband really loved the sound of that. I especially love the new ductless mini split because we can see out of our windows, and we can heat and cool the rooms that need good temperature control. After seeing the energy bills, I am almost in disbelief because we are saving so much money with this new HVAC system. I’m so glad my husband decided to go for something so nice.


a/c worker