We chose to stay together for a month or two

It had been a while since we had lived with someone.

We didn’t intend on living with Sal so early in our relationship, however at the time we were still moony-eyed for each other.

Plus that’s when the COVID lockdown protocols went into full swing. We had to choose to live in one home for the next few (what we thought would be) weeks, or stay apart for that period. We chose to shack up, and of course that lockdown lasted for nearly 12 months. Were we thrilled we did it? Yes, we have to say that we are, although there are a lot of small matters that we hate such as how Sal operates the HVAC system. Since Sal has definitely never had to worry about expenses, she has never noted how much HVAC systems add to the monthly utility bill. When your folks cater for your bills, why would you be worried about a matter as trivial as HVAC system expenses? Now that her folks were not paying for the power bill, we had to explain to Sal about not setting the temperature control quite so low, This turned into more of a debate then we expected, but the bottom line was that she would cover the full utility bill herself every month if it meant she’d run the HVAC system as much as she wanted. We agreed to that, and have been chilly from then henceforth, because if the HVAC system ever stops even for a minute, Sal will make it turn back on. It’s her money so our hands are tied, but … brrrrrr!


heating and cooling equipment