I didn’t need a coffee table for my patio.

I didn’t think people should smoke inside the house, and I made that quite clear.

When my brother-in-law came to my new house, he asked where the ashtrays were.

I told him that if he wanted to smoke, he could go outside, but he had to take his stinky cigarette butts with him. Instead of going all the way outside, he went out onto my patio. When he left, he had left his cigarette butts in a plastic coffee cup. The coffee cup was on the coffee table on my patio. I told my husband what his brother had done and said I wanted the coffee table taken off the patio. He said we had to have the coffee table. It sat between the two chairs and gave guests some place to put their drinks. If we didn’t have the coffee table out there, I wouldn’t have had to pick up my brother-in-law’s coffee cup filled with cigarette butts and put it in the trash. When my husband insisted on keeping the coffee table, I asked if could get rid of the patio, and he gave me an odd look. I then recommended we didn’t allow his brother at our house anymore. He told me that would not happen either. I wondered if he would make sure no one smoked around our house? He promised to do his best to keep his brother from smoking anywhere near the house. He put a smoker’s post at the end of the sidewalk, and told him to use the smoker’s post, but I had a feeling that would not stop him. My brother-in-law did all he could to annoy me.

Wooden chairs